64. Henry
SAUNDERS born 1716-1726; living 1805 Rowan (now Davie) County, North Carolina
65. Mary WEST born 7 May 1736 St. Peter's Parish, Talbot County, Maryland
66. Johann Adam
SHEEK/SCHICK born 9 March 1761 Richmond Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania; died 28 June 1832 Rowan (now Davie) County, North Carolina
67. Susanna
MOULDER born September 1767 North Carolina; died 2 May 1839 Davie County, North Carolina
68. John
THOMAS born before 1766; died between 7 August 1820 and 31 August 1821 Rowan (now Davie) County, North Carolina
69. Nancy died between 23 November 1821 and 28 February 1822 Rowan (now Davie) County, North Carolina
70. Johann Jacob
BLACK/SCHWARZ born 17 May 1764 Plainfield Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania; died between 4 September and 30 November 1821 Rowan (now Davie) County, North Carolina
71. Susannah born 1765-1774; died between 4 September 1821 and 28 February 1823 Rowan (now Davie) County, North Carolina
72. Joseph HOSKINS born about 1751; married 20 October 1773 Christ Church and St. Peters, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; died between 24 July and 31 August 1799 Guilford County, North Carolina
73. Hannah EVANS living 1799 Guilford County, North Carolina
74. Robert McCUISTON born 23 February 1770 Guilford County, North Carolina; marriage bond 29 November 1792 Guilford County, North Carolina; died 12 November 1833 Guilford County, North Carolina
75. Isabel
CUNNINGHAM born 16 April 1769; died 22 February 1846 Guilford County, North Carolina
76. Giles GIBBS born 1755-1769; died between 16 February and 20 April 1801 Currituck County, North Carolina
77. Sarah "Sally" FENTON born about 1770 Currituck County, North Carolina; living 1811 Currituck County, North Carolina
78. Gassaway
GAITHER born 3 July 1778 Montgomery County, Maryland; died 2 February 1848 Davie County, North Carolina
79. Mary SMOOT born about 1786 St. Mary's County, Maryland; died 24 November 1851 Davie County, North Carolina
80. Archibald
STROUD born about 1782 Mecklenburg County, Virginia; died between 1 December 1840 and 31 October 1843 Wilson County, Tennessee
81. Elizabeth born about 1782 Virginia; died 1867/8 Wilson County, Tennessee
82. Thomas JENNINGS born about 1776 Rowan County, North Carolina; died 1807 Wilson County, Tennessee
83. Rachel born about 1780
84. Thomas L.
MOODY born about 1778; marriage bond 3 November 1802 Guilford County, North Carolina
85. Thankful McCUISTON born after 1775; died 21 December 1830
86. William
ALLISON born 20 January 1773 Montgomery County, Maryland; died between 27 April and 30 June 1812 Wilson County, Tennessee
87. Elizabeth born 16 July 1779 Prince George's County, Maryland; died 28 July 1863 Wilson County, Tennessee
88. John
HERRINGTON born about 1782 Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania; died 19 March 1864 Jefferson County, Missouri
89. Nancy
SMIRL born about 1790 Kentucky; died between 1 June 1860 and 19 February 1863 Jefferson County, Missouri
90. Francis
WIDEMAN born about 1789 Abbeville District, South Carolina; died between 9 September 1852 and 20 November 1858 Jefferson County, Missouri
91. Nancy born about 1789 South Carolina; died between 10 July 1851 and 9 September 1852 Jefferson County, Missouri
92. Eli
SHORT born about 1797 Guilford County, North Carolina; died before 27 September 1826 Franklin County, Missouri
93. Ann "Nancy"
BAY born about 1805 St. Louis County, Missouri; living 1880 Washington County, Missouri
94. Daniel LEWIS born 1790-1800; North Carolina or Alabama; died between 13 March 1843 and 10 October 1844 Franklin County, Missouri
95. Abigail BROWN born Tennessee; living 1850 Franklin County, Missouri
96. Anthoni KERNEN
97. Christina GAFNER
98. Peter BIERI baptized 6 May 1759 Schangnau, Canton Bern, Switzerland; married 14 November 1782 Schangnau
99. Elisabeth STETTLER baptized 20 April 1760 Eggiwil, Canton Bern, Switzerland
100. Christian
ZIMMERMANN baptized 13 November 1763 Wattenwil, Canton Bern, Switzerland; married 30 March 1786; died 1 March 1824 Schwarzmoor, Wattenwil Parish, Canton Bern, Switzerland
101. Susanna SÄGESSEMANN of im Grund, citizenship and parish Wattenwil, Canton Bern, Switzerland; baptized 19 November 1758 Wattenwil, Canton Bern, Switzerland; died 13 December 1816 Schwarzmoos, parish Wattenwil, Canton Bern, Switzerland
102. Christian
WENGER born Forst, parish Amsoldingen, Canton, Bern, Switzerland; baptized 10 June 1753 Amsoldingen; married 31 March 1786 Amsoldingen; died 10 September 1804 Forst
103. Christina HÄNNI born Forst, parish Amsoldingen, Canton Bern, Switzerland; bap. 8 August 1762 Amsoldingen; died 2 Aug. 1822 Forst
104. Richard
TUCKER born 1760-1770; married 18 February 1786 Frederick County, Maryland; died 1837-1840 Richland County, Ohio
105. Rachel
HIGGINS born about 1770 Maryland; living 1850 Ashland County, Ohio
106. William
born about 1780 England or Vermont or New Jersey or New York; died 1821-1830 Richland County, Ohio
107. Anna CARD born about 1781 Washington County, Rhode Island; died 1850-1860 Richland County, Ohio
108. Peter
WINDLE born about 1753 Frederick (now Shenandoah) County, Virginia; died between 7 August 1820 and 31 October 1823 Fayette County, Ohio
109. Rachel WOLFE born 1760-1765 Frederick (now Shenandoah) County, Virginia; died 1830-1840 Fayette County, Ohio
114. Garret APPLEGATE born 2 November 1758 Berkley County, (West) Virginia; died 21 August 1837 Harrison County, Indiana
115. Mary JOHNSON born ca. 1762; died 28 August 1837 Harrison County, Indiana
116. John
MINGLE born about 1760 Pennsylvania; died before 1806 Wythe County, Virginia
117. Jane born after 1765; living 1810 Wythe County, Virginia
118. Mr.
LEWIS died about 1802
119. Susanna
LINK born about 1783; died 11 December 1867 Marion County, Oregon, buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
120. James
HOOD born 1770-1775 Ireland; died between 22 May and 21 July 1845 Chester Township, Meigs County, Ohio
121. Elizabeth born 1770-1775 Ireland; died between 1 June 1840 and 22 May 1845 Meigs County, Ohio
122. Mr. DEAN of foreign birth
123. Mrs. DEAN of foreign birth
126. Cornelius
HARKINS born about 1761 Ireland; living 1821 Franklin County, Pennsylvania
127. Catherine
FEGAN born about 1780 Franklin County, Pennsylvania; living 1840 Franklin County, Pennsylvania
Generation 6
Generation 8
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