Thomas ROBYNS b. say 1480;3 living 8 Jan 1531 Holdenby, Northamptonshire, Eng.;1
Joan2/Johanne1 b. say 1486;3 living 1535 Holdenby, Northamptonshire, Eng.2

Thomas ROBYNS and wife Joan had children:
1. William ROBYNS1,2 b. say 1506;5 living 15468
2. Richard ROBYNS2 b. ca. 1508;4 bur. 22 June 
   1584 Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, Eng.6
3. John ROBYNS1 b. say 1510;5 living 15311
4. Joys ROBYNS2 b. ca. 1512;4 m. Thomas HOGGIES;2 living 15352
5. Joan ROBYNS1 b. say 1514;5 living 15311
6. Henry ROBYNS1,2 b. ca. 1516;5 m. Ales7 (BUTLYN?)7; d. between 
   8 Oct. 1569 and 2 Mar. 1569 [1569/70] Holdenby, Northamptonshire, Eng.7
7. Thomas ROBYNS1,2; b. say 1518;5 living 15352
8. Edward ROBYNS1,2 b. ca. 1520;5 m. Margaret;8 d. between 8 Oct. and 
   13 Dec. 1546 Upton, Northamptonshire, Eng.8

Richard ROBINS had children:
1. Thomas ROBINS9 b. ca. 1535; m. 1563 Elizabeth PAMER6/PALMER34;
   bur. 8 Aug. 1606 Long Bucky, Northamptonshire, Eng.6
2. Elizabeth ROBINS9 living 15829
3. Alice ROBINS9 m. William WILLES9 May 156610; bur. 16 Apr. 1626 Long Buckby6
4. Jone ROBINS9 m. Henry ALMAN9; living 15829
5. Isabell ROBINS; m.1. John DRAPER 29 Jan. 1568/9;6,10 m.2. John CREATON9;
   living 15829

Thomas Robins in his 1939 manuscript incorrectly gave the name of Thomas 
ROBINS' wife Elizabeth as PARKES or PARKER.11 As confirmed by the will
of her father, the name was actually PALMER.34

Thomas ROBINS and Elizabeth PALMER had children:
1. Richard ROBINS9 b. ca. 1566; m. Dorothy GOODMAN 21 June 1597;12
   bur. 19 May 1634 Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, Eng;6 His
   will was written in 1633.16
2. William ROBINS9 b. ca. 1569; m. about 20 May 1591 Elizabeth Archer;38 
   living 16086
3. Edward ROBINS9 b. ca. 1572; living 15829
4. Thomas ROBINS9 b. ca. 1575; living 15829
5. Jone ROBINS9 b. ca. 1578; m. William WILLS 11 May 159414
6. John ROBINS9 b. ca. 1581; living 15829
7. Henry ROBINS b. ca. 1584; bur. 7 Dec. 1584 Long Buckby6
8. Samuel ROBINS bap. 20 June 1587 Long Buckby10

Richard ROBINS and Dorothy16 GOODMAN had children:
1. Continne/Continue ROBINS bap. 2 Apr. 1598 Long Buckby;6 m. John15 EYRE13;
   living 163316
2. Richard ROBINS bap. 10 Dec. 1599 Long Buckby;6 m. Alice;6 d. between
   27 May 1674 and 3 Jan. 1678 Long Buckby13
3. Obedience ROBINS16 bap. 26 Apr. 1601 Long Buckby ;6 m. Grace17 (widow) 
   WATERS18; d. 1662 Northampton Co., VA18
4. John ROBINS16 bap. 25 Sep. 1602 Long Buckby;6 living 163316
5. Edward ROBINS16 bap. 26 Aug. 1604 Long Buckby;6 m. Jane CORNISH 
   (lic. date) 16 Apr. 1630;19 d. between 1 Feb. and 17 May 1641 
   Accamac [later Northampton] Co., VA33
6. Sarah ROBINS bap. 1 Sep. 1606 Long Buckby;6 living 163316
7. Thomas ROBINS16 bap. 3 Apr. 1608 Long Buckby;6 living 163316
8. Dorothy ROBINS bap. 23 Dec. 1610;6 Long Buckby; bur. 1 Nov. 1624
   Long Buckby
9. Lemuell16/Lamuell13,37 ROBINS b. say 1612; m. Richard MARRIATT13,37
   bur. 8 Jan. 1655 [1655/6] Towcester, Northamptonshire, Eng.37
10. Mary ROBINS16 b. say 1614; living 163316

In 1920, an article incorrectly gave the ancestry for Obedience [and
his brother Edward], stating that "Obedience Robins was born at Brackley,
Northamptonshire, England 16 April 1600 and was the son of Thomas and Mary
(Bulkley) Robins of that place".23  That the family was from Long Buckby
and not Brackley is proved in that between 14 Feb. 1636/7 and 28 Nov. 1637
Edward ROBINS testified in London regarding the case of David DAVIDSON,
Augustine ALDRIDGE, Randall MAINWARING, & Nathanil HAWES vs. John THIERRY.
In that deposition, Edward ROBINS was stated to be of St. Dunstan in the
East, London, previously of St. Mary Magdalene, Milk Street, London, but
born in Buckby, Northants, merchant, and age 34.35

The Long Buckby parish records and the will of their father Richard ROBINS
provide evidence of the correct ancestry of this family. Additional proof is
found in records in relation to the estate of Edward ROBINS.

On 15 July 1647 Richard ROBINS of "Longbuckbye" in the County of Northampton
[England] gave a Power of attorney to his "welbeloved Sister-in-Law Jane
PUDDINGTON, wife of George PUDDINGTON" inhabiting in Virginia.  He stated
that there were debts due to him from the estate of his "brother" Edward
ROBINS, and that another of his "brothers" Obedience ROBINS inhabiting in
Virginia had possessed himself of a great quantity of the estate.  Richard
made Jane his attorney to demand of Obedience and to take him to any Court
of Law for the money due to him [Richard].24

Edward ROBINS, living in London, would have met his wife Jane CORNISH
of Tiverton, Devon through her uncle George CORNISH.  Both Edward ROBINS
and George CORNISH were members of the St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street
Church, a very small parish by London standards, where there were usually
not more than a dozen baptisms a year. In 1638, Edward ROBINS paid a rent
of 20 pounds in St. Dunstans in the East.22 

Edward ROBINS and Jane CORNISH had children:
1. Rachel ROBINS bap. 20 Nov. 1631 St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street,
   London, Eng.;20 m. Richard BEARD30 by 1649;25 living 167526
2. Thomas ROBINS bap. 4 June 1633 St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street, 
   London, Eng.;20 bur. 10 June 1635 St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street20
3. Christian ROBINS (female) bap. 4 May 1634 St. Mary Magdalen Milk
   Street, London, Eng.;20 d. before 164627
4. Elizabeth ROBINS bap. 20 May 1635 St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street,
   London, Eng.;20 m. William BURGESS;30 living 165730
5. Sarah ROBINS bap. 25 July 1636 St. Dunstan East, London, Eng.;21 
   d. before 164627
6. Richard ROBINS bap. 31 (sic) June 1637 St. Dunstan East, London, Eng.;21
   bur. 29 Aug. 1637 St. Dunstan East21
7. Rachell ROBINS bap. 3 Oct. 1638 St. Dunstan East, London, Eng.;21
   d. before 164627

After the death of Edward ROBINS, his widow Jane (CORNISH) ROBINS married
George PUDDINGTON, he also being originally from Tiverton.  The evidence is
that he was likely the George PUDDINGTON baptized on 28 March 1613, son of
William PUDDINGTON.28 The manner of William's bequest in his 1652 will to 
his son George would imply that George was not living in the immediate vicinity
of Tiverton.29  In addition to leaving him land "if he shall be then living"
he left him 10 pounds "if he shall then be living" and if deceased, to children
begotten of his body "if there shall be any then living."  While other grandchildren
by other of William's children were mentioned by name, those of George were not.
All would be consistent with George being in Maryland, and William not knowing
if George or any children (or their names) were living.

George PUDDINGTON and Jane CORNISH had children:
1. Mary PUDDINGTON31 bap. 7 Feb. 1642 [1642/3] St. Michael Brassihaw,
   London, Eng.36
2. Comfort PUDDINGTON31 b. 1642-164931

Either Mary of Comfort may have married Robert FRANKLIN.32

George PUDDINGTON died in 1674 in Anne Arundel Co., MD.32

1. Thomas Robyns will; Archdeaconry Court of Northampton Wills and Administrations 1st Series, D:397, FHL microfilm 187576. 2. Joan Robyns will, Archdeaconry Court of Northampton Wills and Administrations 1st Series, E:170, FHL microfilm 018577. 3. Estimate from ages of children. 4. Estimates based on both Richard and Joyse having 2 children in 1535 as given in #2. 5. Estimates based on: William was of age when his father wrote his will in #1, and was executor, so he is placed as the eldest. Thomas made no bequests to his 3 children that were apparently living on their own, probably having already received their shares at the time they left home and/or married (William, Richard and Joys). John, Joan, Henry, Thomas and Edward are placed in the order as named in their father's will, with ages from the assumed ages of Richard and Joys in #4. Those ages are consistent with Henry having a married daughter with 3 children in 1569, another daughter having 2 children, a son with 1 child, and 2 apparently single children, suggesting Thomas was married in the early 1540s. That Edward had only one child when his will was written in 1546 is consistent with his estimated age. 6. Church of England, Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, England parish register FHL microfiche 6127993, part 1. p. 1 Thomas Robbens & Elizabeth Pamer [illegible] 1563 p. 2 [illegible] and Isabell Robens xx[-?-]January 1568 [1568/9] p. 5 Henry son of Thomas Robens et ux buried vii Dec. 1584 p. 5 Richard Robbens bur. xxii June 1584 p. 15 Continne [Continue?] daughter of Richard Robbyns et ux bap. ii Apr. 1598 p. 16 Richard son of Richard Robbens et ux bap. x Dec. 1599 p. 19 Obedience son of Richard Robbens et ux bap. xxvi Apr. 1601 p. 20 John son of Richard Robbens et ux bap. xxv Sep. 1602 p. 25 Edward son of Richard Robens et ux bap. xxvi Aug. 1604 p. 29 Saray daughter of Richard Robbens bap sixth Sep. 1606 p. 30 Thomas Robbens bur. viii Aug. 1606 p. 32 Thomas son of Richard Robens et ux bap. iii Apr. 1608 p. 35 John, son of William Robens et ux baptized p.38 Dorithy daughter of Richard Robenns and wife Dorithy bap. xxiii Dec. 1610 p. 46 Alice Willes widdoe buried xvi April 1626 p. 51 Richard Robins Gent: bur. 19 May 1634. p. 54 Dorthe daughter of Richard Robins Gent. and wife Alice baptized 7. Henrye Robyns will, Archdeaconry Court of Northampton Wills and Administrations 1st Series, S:100, FHL microfilm 187586. One of the overseers was his brother-in-law Robt. Butlyn. 8. Edward Robyns will, Archdeaconry Court of Northampton Wills and Administrations 1st Series, I:202, FHL microfilm 187579. Several genealogists have incorrectly attributed this Edward to being born ca. 1460, and the father of Thomas rather than his son. That Edward named only one child, a son William who was under age 18, as well as children [unnamed] of his brother Hary [Henry], children [unnamed] of Richard Robyns, and children [unnamed] of Thomas Hoggs [Hoggies], would show that he was the Edward son of Thomas who left bequests to nieces and nephews. 9. Richarde Robyns will, Prerogative Court of Canterbury wills, 35 Watson, (1584), FHL microfilm 91966. 10. R. L. Greenall, The Parish Register of Long Buckby, Northamptonshire 1558-1689, (Leicester: University of Leicester, Department of Adult Education, 1971). 1566 May [illegible] William [illegible] and Ales Robbenson. 1568/9 Jan. 29 John Draper & Isabell Robens 1587 June 20 Samwell son Thomas Robbens & ux baptized 11. Thomas Robins, Robyn 1377 to Robins 1939 (New York City: Robins, 1939), p. 24 [image 45]. 12. Church of England, Fawsley, Northamptonshire, England parish register, p. 8 (left column), FHL microfiche 6127462, part 1. 13. Richard Robins will, Archdeaconry Court of Northampton Wills and Administrations 3rd Series, E:65, FHL microfilm 187620. Includes a bequest to to "kinsman William Marriot son of my sister Lamuell and of Richard Marriatt" 14. Church of England, St. Sepulchre Church, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England parish register, upaginated, chronological, FHL microfiche 6128366, part 8. 15. Church of England, Watford, Northaptonshire, England parish register, p. 7 FHL microfiche 6129217, part 2. Thomas Aier, son of Johannis and Constantia Aier was baptized undecimo [11] Mar. 1631 [1631/2] 16. Richard Robins will, Archdeaconry Court of Northampton Wills and Administrations 1st Ser., EV:91, FHL microfilm 0,187,596 and also recorded 2nd Ser. G:163, FHL microfilm 187602. 17. Virginia Land Patents 2:364 18. Northampton Co., VA Deeds and wills IX, [1657-1666 book], p. 156. 30 December 1662 nuncupative will of Obedience Robins presented to court by William Waters, age 39, son of Obedience's wife. 19. Diocese of Exeter Marriage License Index, Devonshire, England, 111, FHL microfilm 916997, item 2. Edward Robins of London and Jane Cornish of Tiverton. [Originals destroyed in 1942. Published index only.] 20. Church of England St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street, London, England, parish registers, FHL microfilm 374489. Baptimal register p. 11 Rachel bap. p. 11[a] Thomas bap. p. 12 Christian bap. p. 12 Elizabeth bap. Burial register p. 8[a] Thomas bur. 21. Church of England, St. Dunstan in the East, London, England, general parish register, FHL microfilm 396188. Unpaginated, chronological. 22. British History Online, Inhabitants of London in 1638, St. Dunstans in the East. MS. p. 97. 23. "Minutes of the Council and General Court", The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 28 (Oct. 1920), p. 326, footnote 11 [image 382 of 492]. 24. Northampton Co., VA Deeds and Wills 3 [1645-1651], pp. 107-108. 25. Maryland Land Patents 5:585 [image 298 of 328]. Patent to Richard Beard, Planter, for transporting Richard and Rachell his two children into the Province in 1650. 26. Richard Beard will, MD wills 2:143-146 [image 144 of 412]. 27. Virginia Land Patents 2:91. 28. St. Peter's Parish Register, Church of England, Tiverton, England, read by Devon Record Office, Exeter, England. 29. William Puddington will, Prerogative Court of Canterbury wills, 350 Brent, (1653) FHL microfilm 92915. 30. Northampton Co., VA deeds and wills 7, p. 67. 25 Aug. 1657 Richard Beard and William Burgess of Providence, Province of Maryland, with consent of their wives Rachell and Elizabeth who are daughters and heirs of Edwd: Robins, Merchant, of Northampton (alias Accawmacke), deceased.... 31. Maryland Land Patents ABH, p. 40 [image 24 of 235]. 32. George Puddington will, MD wills 2:5-9. George Puddington will transcription. 33. Accawmack [later Northampton] County Orders, Deeds and Wills 2 [1640-1645]. p. 31[a] 1 Feb. 1640, 50 pounds tobacco to be paid to Edward Robins in lawsuit p. 40[a] 17 May 1641 Thomas Joyner, attorney for Edward Robins to deliver account to Obedience Robins. 34. Thomas Palmer will, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 8 Tirwhite, (1581), FHL microfilm 91962. 35. Peter Wilson Coldham, English Adventurers and Emigrants, 1609-1660, (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1984), 66. 36. St. Michael Brassihaw, Church of England, London, England, 1538-1655 Register, p.283, FHL microfilm 374499. 37. Towcester, Northamptonshire, England, Parish Register 1561-1714". 38. William Robins and Elizabeth Archer marriage settlement.


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Fredric Z. Saunders
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Last revised: 10 Dec. 2022