In dei nomine amen. The seconde daie of December in the 24th year of the raigne
of oure Soveraigne lady Elizabethe by the grace of God of Englande Frannce and Irelande,
queene Defender of the Faithe.

I Thomas Palmer of the parishe of All Saintes Westhaddon in the Countie of
Northampton yeoman beinge of whole minde and in good and perfect remembrance
(laude and praise be unto allmightie god) doe make and ordeyne this my presentt
testamente concerninge my last will in manner and forme followinge (that is to saie)

First I commende my sowle to almightie god my maker and redemer And my bodye
to be buried in the parishe Church of Westhaddon aforesaide. 

Also I geve and bequeathe to the Church of Peterboroughe sixe pence.

Also I geve and bequeathe to the Town of Westhaddon twentie shillinges to be
imploied towards the onelie repairinge and maynteyning of the Church there.

Also I geve and bequeathe to Richard Palmer of Husbonds Bosworthe in the countie
of Leicester my sonne fyve poundes to be equally distributed amongst his childrenne.

Also I geve and bequeathe to Thomas Palmer the second sonne of Richard Palmer
my sonne all and singuler my messuages tenements, lands, meadowes, pastures,
closes, feedinges, edifices, buildinges rentes, revercions and services whatsoever
withe thappurtenannces situate lyeng and beinge within the town parishe and fieldes
of Hathorne in the countie of Leicester which I heretofore hadde by the lawfull
conveyannce of George Turvill esquier To have and to hould the saide premisses
to the saide Thomas his heires and assignes forever Provided alwaies and my
minde purpose meaninge and intent herein is that Richarde Palmer my sonne shall
have the use and occupation of all the saide Lands and other the premisses to the
said Thomas his sonne heretofore devised duringe his pleasure, So that the same
maie remaine and comme to the saide Thomas at such tyme as maie bee moste for
the preferment and advanncement of the saide Thomas as shalbe thoughte most
convenient to the saide Richarde his father.

Also I geve and bequeathe to the saide Thomas Palmer one crowe of iron.

Also I [desire] William Palmer of Husbands Bosworth aforesaide my brother 
shall have all and singuler the messuages houses tenements landes meadowes
pastures closes and all other the comodities and proffitts whatsoever whiche he nowe
occupyeth of myne in Bosworthe aforesaidr for & duringe his naturall life yealdinge
and paying therfore yearlie unto my heires and assignes the olde usuall and
heretofore accustomed rente.

Also I will that Richard Brabson my sonne in lawe and Margery his wife theire
executors and assignes shall have and enioye one yarde Lande withe thappurtenances
nowe beinge in theire Tenure or occupacion for and duringe the terme of one and
twentie yeres after thend and expiracion of the terme whiche the saide Richarde
boughte of Thomas Chapman yelding & paying therfore yearlie unto my heires
and assignes the ould usuall and accustomed rente

Also I geve & bequeathe unto the saide Richard Brabson and Margery his wife the
somme of tenne pounds to be equally distributed amongest theire childrenne at theire

Also I geve and bequeathe to Thomas Palmer of Bosworthe aforesaide my cosen
one busshell of milne corne.

Also I geve to John Palmer of Claycoton my cosen one bushell of milne corne.

Also I geve to the poore of the parishe of Husbands Bosworthe aforesaide three
shillings fower pence to be distributed at the discrecion of Richarde Palmer my
Sonne and William Palmer my brother.

Also I geve to Anne Palmer the wife of Gregorye Palmer my daughter fyve pounds to
be payde within twoe yeres nextt after my departure, to the use and behooffe of her
children to be equallye distributed amongest theme at hir discrecion, and to everie
one of her sayde children an ewe and a Lambe.

Also I geve bequeathe and will that John Bayly my Sonne in law & Ellen his wife
shall have one messuage or tenement with thappurtenance to the saide John Baylye
and Ellen situate lyinge and beinge in Daventrie in the countie of Northampton next
adjoyninge to one tenement of me the saide Thomas Palmer now beinge in the
occupacion of Thomas Baker on the one parte and a tenemente nowe leased to Roger
Cave esquier on the other parte to have and to hold the saide mesuage or tenemente
with thappurtenance to the saide John Baylye and Ellen his wiffe and to theire assignes
for and duringe their lyves naturall or the life naturall of the longer lyver of theme
yealdinge and payinge therefore yearlie unto the heires and assignes of me the saide
Thomas Palmer twelve pence of lawfull Englishe moneye.

Also I geve an bequeathe to Ellen Baylye my daughter fiftie shillinges to be
equallie distributed by her amongest hir childrenne at her discrecion And the
same to bee paide within twoe yeres nextt after my departure.

Also I geve and bequeathe to To Elizabethe Robyns, the wiffe of Thomas Robyns
of Longbugby in the countie of Northampton my daughter fiftie shillinges to be
paide to her within twoe yeres after my departure to be distributed by hir
equallie amongest her children at her discrecionne.

Also I geve and bequeathe to Johan Warde the wife of Adrian Warde my daughter
fiftie shillings to be paide to her within twoe yeres nextt after my deceasse,
to be distributed by hir equllie amongest hir childrenne at hir discrecion.

Also I geve and bequeathe to Margerye Pywell my sisters daughter three pounds
of money and a coffer to be delyvered at the discrecion of my executor, of which
somme of three poundes I will that William Homan the sonne of Robert Homan
shall have tenne shillinges when he shall come out of his yeres.

Also I geve and bequeathe to Anne Pywell my sisters daughter fortie shillinges to
be payde at May Daye or Whitsondaye nextt after my deceasse at the choise and
discrecion of my executor.

Also will that my executor shall keepe and mainteyne Johan Homan my sister
duringe her liffe with sufficiente meate, drinke and clothe, if Robert her husband
shall not hereafter be able to keepe and mainteyne her.

Also I geve and bequeathe to Richard Homan, sonne of Robert Homan tenne
shillings to be paide to him when he shall comme to discrete yeres as shalbe
thought best to my executor.

Also I geve & bequethe to William Pywell one ewe and a lamb of the midle sorte.

Also I geve and bequeathe to Robert Homan the Somme of twentye shillinges.

Also I geve and bequeathe to the poore in Longbugby three shillings fower pence.

Also I geve and bequeathe to the poore in Winwicke twoe shillings.

Also I geve to Nicholas Coles of Badbye three shillinges fower pence.

Also I geve and bequeathe to the childrenne of John Coles late of Badby deceased
begotten on the bodye of his last wife twentie shillinges of that money whiche theire
mother oweth me to be equallye distributed amonge them.

Also I geve and bequeathe to Alice Wilson of Yeluertofte one strike of mylne corne.

Also I geve and bequeathe to William Eglestone of Westhaddon aforeaid mearcer
fortie shillinges whereof  I will that fiftene shillinges whiche Edward Eglestone his
brother oweth me shalbe percell.

Also I geve to Edward Welchman servante to Mr Britten one sheepe.

Also I geve and bequeathe to John Coles of Coldashbye in the countie of Northampton
one strike of milne corne.

Also I geve and bequeathe to William Willes and Thomas Willes eche of theme an
ewe and a lambe.

The rest of my gooddes and chattells unbequeathed (my debtes paide and my
funerall expenses discharged) I geve and bequeathe to William Palmer my sonne,
whome I make my full and sole executor of this my last will and testament.

Also I make ouerseers to  this my presente will Richarde Palmer my sonne and
William my brother. And I utterlie revoke and adnull all and everie other former
testaments, willes, legacies, bequeaths & executors and overseers by me in any
wise before this tyme made, named, willed, and bequeathed, In witness whereof
to this my present last wil I have sette my hande and Seale the daie and yere firste
abovesaid In the presence of theise testyfyenge the same.
Raffe Turner, Richard Palmer, Richard Marshe, Richard Worceter, and
William Eglestone

[Latin] Probate was granted 23 February 1581 to William Palmer.


Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 15 February 2005