In the Name of God Amen In the yeare of our Lorde god one thowsand fyve
hundred fowrescore and twoe and the Twentieth daie of October I Richarde
Robyns of Longbugby in the Countie of Northt yeoman being sicke in bodye
and whole in mynde and of good and perfect memorie (god by thanked for yt)
Doe institute and ordayne this my testament conteyning my last will in 
manner and fourme following.
   First I bequeathe my soule unto Allmightie god whoe is my maker Lorde
and Saviour, and my body to be buryed in the northe Ile within the parishe
Churche of Longbubgy aforesaide:
   Imprimis I gyve to the Mother Churche of Petersboroughe fowre pence
   Item I gyve to be bestowed amongest the poore of this parishe Twentye
shillings, to be distributed by the discresssion of my Executors.
   Item I give to Richarde Robyns sonne to Thomas Robyns my Sonne fyve
horsses and the best carte.
   Item to the same Richarde I give sixe milche kyne.
   Item to the same Richarde I give threescore sheepe, And also I give
the same Richarde the best pott and the best panne, All the whiche to be
delyvered at the daie of his marriage or at one and twentye yeares of
his age: Also I give to the same Richarde (after the death of my sonne
Thomas Robyns) my occupying with all the Domeynes lying and being within
the Towne and feildes of Longbugby aforesayde, As taxes tenements, orchards,
gardens, closes, pastures and feedings with all other appurtenaunces
thereunto belonging, for him and his heires for ever yf he have any yssue
which are sonnes whiche are of the male kynde to inherit, yf not I will
that the next of his kyndered or stocke which is the senior to remaine to
him and his heires for ever, after the death of Richarde, yf they are of
the male kynde, and so I will that yt shall remayne to kindred and the
calling of the Robinces for ever: And also I will that yf anye theise
aforesayde they their heires executors or assingnes doe putt alwais or
cause to be putt always by buying or selling, or any unlawfull meanes my
partt or parcell of the saide premisses, Then I Will that yt shall remayne
unto the next of that kyndred whiche is of the male kynde and name of the
   First I give to the same Richarde twoe of the best saltinge Troughes
and the hole haveltember, and ploughe tymber, which is remayning uppon
the saide grounde (after the deathe of my sonne Thomas his father.)
   Item I give to William Robyns, sonne to my sonne Thomas Robyns one
horsse and carte fowre beafe and threescore sheepe and one pott besyde
his owne to be delivered at the daie of his mariage or at the age of one
and twentye yeares. 
   Item I give to Edward Robyns sonne to my sonne Thomas Robyns three beafe
and thirtye sheepe (besyde his owne) All the whiche to be delivered at the
daie of his marriage, or also at the age of one and twentye yeares.
   Item I give unto Thomas Robyns sonne to my sonne Thomas Robins one
cowe and fourtye sheepe, to be delivered at the daie of his mariage or
also at the age of one and twenty yeares.
   Item I give unto Jone Robyns the daughter of my sonne Thomas Robins
Tenne poundes of lawfull money and Twentye sheepe, All the whiche to be
delyvered at the daye of her marriage, or else at the age of one and
twentie yeares.
   Item I give unto John Robyns sonne to my sonne Thomas Robyns Sixe
poundes thirtene shilliges eight pence, one cowe and twenty sheepe,
to be delyvered at the daye of his marriage, or else at the age of one
and twentye yeares.
   Also I will that yf any of theise childrenn aforesaide departe this
worlde before they be married, I will that theire parte to be equally
devided to them that are lyving: Also I will that yf any of theise
childrenn aforesaide shalbee infected with any sicknes or other diseases
that they cannot be able to take the paines nor labour before theye be
contracted or married, Then I will that they shalbe kepte uppon the grounde
until suche tyme that they shall recover theire healthe againe.
   Item I will that yf my daughter Elizabeth doe overlyve my sonne Thomas,
that then she to rest uppon the grounde and to have her fynding and clothing
so longe as she keepe her self unmarried And yf she doe marrye, to have
no longer tyme on the premisses.
   Item I give to everie one of William Wylles children whiche he had by
my daughter Alice, three shillings fower pence a peece.
   Item I give to the children of Henry Alman of Mares Ashby which he had
by my daughter Jone Three shillings fower pence a peece.
   Item I give to every one of my servannts fower pence.
   Item to everye one of my godchildren fower pence.
   Item I give to my daughter Alice Willes sixe shillings eight pence.
   Item I give to my Daughter Creaton sixe shillings eight pence. 
   The rest of my goods not given nor bequeathed (my debtes and Legacies
beinge paid, and my funerall dischared) I give to Thomas Robyns my sonne,
whome I make my full executor to have my occupyinge so longe as he lyveth.
   I give unto William Willes and John Creaton to be supervisors of this
my last will and testament, and to have for their paines therein Three
shillings fower pence a peece. 
John Woodworth scriptoreus John Andrewe Henry Collman
The will was probated on 4 Nov. 1584.


Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 31 October 1999