In Gods Name Amen. March 17th 1738/9 I Elenor Aston of St. Marys County
Widow being Very Sick and weak of Body but of good mind and Perfect memory
praised by God do make this my last Will and Testament, first and Principally
of all I recommend my Soul into the hands of Eternal Gody who gave it
nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection thre' the merits of Jesus
Christ to receive eternal Pardon of all my Sins and as for my Body to be
buried in a Christian like and decent Burial at the discretion of my
Executor hereafter mentioned and as touching such worldly Estate whereof
it has Pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and bequeath in
manner and form following.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son John Smoot Ten Pounds.
Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson John Smoot the son of John Smoot
the Sum of Five pounds to him or his heirs on the Account of his Learning.
Item I give and bequeath to that child that Sarah Smoot now goes with
an equal Part of my Estate with the Rest of my Grandchildren to them and
their heirs.
Item I give and Bequeath unto Thomas Rigg and William Veall Rigg and unto
Subella Rigg and unto Winifred Rigg an equal Part of my Estate with the
rest of my grand Children to them and their heirs.
Item I give and Bequeath Subella Rigg one Feather Bed and Bolster which
formerly Belonged to my Mother to her and her heirs.
Item I give and Bequeath to William Harrison son of William Harrison
an equal Part of my Estate with the Rest of my Grand Children to him and
his heirs.
Item I give and Bequeath unto William Harrison my grandson a Young
horse Colt of about a Year old and also a Ewe and Lamb.
Item I give and bequeath unto Asten Sanford Smoot a dark Bay Horse
Bridle and Saddle to him his heirs or Assigns.
Item I give and Bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Sarah Rice my Feather
Bed and furniture and bedstead whereon I lay and also a Young Cow and Calf
and the Increase to her and her heirs a young Mare of a year old her and
her Increase to her and her heirs and also three Pewter Dishes an Iron Pot
Containing about three Gallons and a Pair of Pot hooks and also an equal
Part with the rest of my Grand Children.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Elizabeth Doxey a young
Cow and calf a feather Bed and furniture four Pewter Dishes and a midling
sized Chest which is now in the Possession of her Father Thomas Doxey and
also an equal Part with the rest of my Grand Children.
Item I give and bequeath unto my grand Son John Doxey one Feather Bed
that was formerly Called Jemima Triggs and also an equal Part with the
Rest of my Grand Children.
Item I give and bequeath unto Sarah Rigg Winifred Harrison Susanna
Doxey and Sarah Smoot and Sarah Rice and my Cousin Susanna Green and it
is my desire that each of the above named shall have mourning Gowns, Hoods
and Gloves.
Item my Will is that John Thomas shall have Twenty Shillings Paid him
out of my Estate for making my Coffin.
Item I Leave my Son John Smoot my whole and Sole Executor and that he
may have the full management in dividing my Estate among my Grand Children
Revoking disanulling all Wills gifts deeds and Legacys made by me heretofore
Ratifing and Confirming this to be my Last Will and Testament In Testimony
Whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Affixed my Seal the day and Year
within mentioned.
Elenor O Asten
Signed sealed and Delivered in the presence of us
John Stevens
William Bryan his mark
Sarah Dossey her mark
The will was proved 14 Apr. 1746 by John Stevens.
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Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 31 Oct. 1999