In the name of God Amen I Gustenein Tennis of Charles County lying very
weake in body but in perfect memory praise be to almighty God
First I bequeath my saule to the Almighty god and my Saviaur Jesus Christ
and body to the earth and to decently buried also I devise that my funeral Charges
and all my debts be fully satisfied.
Item I give to my Daughter Barbary one shilling.
Item I give to my Daughter Mary one shilling.
Item I do give to my Daughter Cathren one shilling.
Item I do give to to my Daughter Elizabeth one shilling.
Item I do give to my son John Tennis one shilling.
Item I do give to my Daughter Sarah one shilling.
Item I do give to my Daughter Drana [Tracie in source 7] one shilling.
Item I do give to my Grand Child John Mansfield a little Gun when he comes to
the age of Twenty one.
Item I do make my dear & Loveing wife my whole Executrick of all my Lands goods
Chattles and all my hole and propert Estate whatsover and after her decease to fall
to my Daughter Christian to her and her heirs forever This being my Last will
& testament Cutting off all former Wills and Testaments whatsoever As Witness
my hand and Seal this 23d of Feby. [January in source 7] 1699.
Signed Sealed in
the presence of us his
his Gustenan [upside down D] Tennis
Philip P Jenkins Jobe Staple mark
Thomas X Simpson
Annexed On the back of the foregoing will was endorsed the follg probate (to wit)
July the 8th 1699 Then came before me Philip Jinkinson, Jobe Staple &
Thomas Simpson the three witnesses to the Last will & testament of Justinean Tennis
decd and proved the Same in due manner & form according to
law. Ri Boughton D Com Carol Cornit
Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 3 Mar. 2006