In the name of god Amen the xxi day of December the yere of our Lorde god
1580; I John Robertes of Wolston In the contye of Glocester beyinge sycke
in bodye but hole in mynde and of perfecte Remembrance for the which I
geve hartye thanks make this my testaments and laste will in maner and
forme followinge.
Fyrste And Above All other thinges I comit my sole to god the father
Allmyghtye trustinge through his greate mercye and the merytes of his
passion and bloud shedinge of his son Jesus chryste my saviour and
redemer that I have and shall have Remission and forgevenes of all my
synes bequithinge my soule unto him and my body to be buryed in the
churchyarde of Wolston and as touchinge these my worldlye goodes which
god hathe credyte me with all I ---- the same to the worlde to be disposeed
as here after followethe.
Firyst I geve unto the poore mense box of the paryshe of Wolstone
vi s. vii d.
Item I geve unto John Robertes my son iiii horses & carte and all his
furniture to be payde unto him upon he comes to his lyvinge.
Item I geve unto Edward Robertes my son ii good kyne & caske and to
his lyvinge.
Item I geve unto Rycharde Robertes my son vi l. to be payde unto him
when he comes unto the age of xxi yeares.
Item I geve unto George Robertes my son vi l. to be payde unto him
when he comes unto the age of xxi yeares.
Item I geve unto Jone Robertes my daughter vi l. to be payde unto her
when she comes unto the age age of xviii yeares.
Item I geve unto Anne Robertes my daughter vi l. to payde unto her
when she comes unto the age of xviii yeares.
Item I geve unto Elyzabeth Robertes my daughter vi l. to be payde
unto her when she comes unto the age of xviii yeares.
Item I geve unto Mary Robertes my daughter vi l. to be payde unto her
when she comes unto the age of xviii yeares.
The reste of my goodes bothe movable and unmovable my detes beyinge
payde my legacesse performed and my body honestly buryed I geve unto
Elyzabeth Roebertes my wyfe and Edwarde Robertes my son whom I make
myne Executors kepinge and findinge my mother honestly whyle she
Item my will is that Nicholas Banar? and Thomas Wodde shall be myne
overseers that this my laste will and testament may be trylye performed
witnessess Daniell Dawkes Thomas Fynche and Pinle? Jinnon?
And ye detes of John Robertes
In primis I do owe unto Jone Clevelyes ix s.
Item unto Anthonye Robertes x s.
detes due unto John Robertes
William Grotme of bonox braye for a bullocke xxv s.
Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 2 Oct. 1999