In Dei Noe Ame The vii Daye off May in the yere of our lorde god 1556.
I Thomas Robertts of the towne of Woolston withein the County of Gloc
husbande man being sycke of body yet of good and perfecte Remembrance
god be praysed therefore do make my Laste wyll and testament in forme
and manner hereafter followyng.
Fyrst I bequethe my Soule to Allmyghte goda and my body to the buried
within the Churche yarde of Wolston, and as touchyng those worldely goods
wiche god hathe Credite me with all I leave the same unto the world to be
Dysposed as heare folowith:
I geve and bequethe unto elyzabethe Robertts my dawghter x l. of good
and lawfull money of england.
I geve also unto Elyzabeth Robertts the dawghter of Wyllyam Roebetts
ii strycke of wheate & ii of barley and a shepe lykewyse I geve unto
Thomas Jones iii Chyldrene to every one of them ii bushells of wheate
ii of barley and a shepe & I geve unto nycolas Kente and Margery Kente
ii strycke of wheate ii of barley and to every one of them a shepe with
legacyes of ewe and shype I wyll that John my sone shall pay and delyver
or cause to pay and delyver Immedyatly after the deth of elyzabethe my wyfe.
Item I wyll that John my sonne kepe a taper burning on the hy aulter
yn the churche of Wolston contynually in time of dyvine Servyes as lonnge
as he lyvethe if the person there wyll lycence hym.
all the Resydue of my goodes moveable and unmovable not bequethed my
legacy dyscharged, my detts payed, annd funerall donne I geve to Elyzabeth
Robertts my wyfe and John Robertts my sonne whom I make myne Executors
yet not withstandyng I wyll that my sonne John shall have no parte of my
goods so longe as my wyfe his mother lyveth except she mary, then I wyll
that John my my sonne have half my goods delyveryd unto hym the day of
her mary at the --- syght of Thomas Bate Richard Davys whom I make
overseers to see thys my last wyll fulfyllyd in every condytion. These
berying witness folowynge Thomas Pyrange Richard Davys William Robertts
no other.
The Detts off Thomas Robertts
In primis unto John Neyser? of Aston xxx s.
& unto maude Banle/Baule of Wolston iii s. iiii d.
Detts owyng unto Thomas Robertts
In primis Rychard Bycke of Tredyngton ii s.
& Wylliam Rychards of Oxenton for a bushell of barley (xii d.)?
& Margarett Hobbes for ii strycke of wheate xviii d.
An Inventory taken the viii day of Apryll ano Dm 1557 of suche goods
as of late dyd belonge unto Thomas Robertts off Woolston
In primis beddyng and other Implyments of howsholde was prysyd at xl s.
Item ii oxen pr xxx s.
It. viii kyne pr iiii l.
It. iii horses xl s.
It. x shyppe xx s.
It. the Croppe of Corne v l.
It. a Carte a wayne with other thyngs necessary there unto belonging xxx s.
It. wodde and store Twyne pr. vi s. viii d.
Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 30 October 2001