Christen MÄSSERLI of Burgistein, Canton Bern, Switzerland was married on
7 June 1739 to Anna GRÜNIG of "Thürisshauss" [Dörishaus], which is a small
location affiliated with Burgistein of the parish of Thurnen (now Mühlethurnen).1  

He was not, as Julius Billeter believed,2 the Christian MESSERLI that was
baptized 5 Nov. 1713 (at Signau), the son of Christian MESSERLI of Burgistein
and Barbara SALTZMANN of Signau.3 The father Christian was residing at his
wife's home village of Signau, and also had two other children baptized there.
The father, as Christen MÄSSERLI "of Thurnen, resident in Ramsey-schachen,"
age 50, was buried 11 May 1736 at Signau.4  The son, as Christen Mässerli,
"otherwise of Thurnen" was buried at Signau on 12 June 1736, his age
"approximately 25."5 Having died in 1736, he is not the man who married
Anna GRÜNIG in 1739.

Christen MÄSSERLI and Anna GRÜNIG were the parents of two children:
1. Anna MÄSSERLI bap. 13 Dec. 1739;6 m. Jacob ZIMMERMANN 28 Sep. 1759;12
   d. 29 July 1773 Wattenwil13
2. Elsbeth MÄSSERLI bap. 22 Oct. 1741;6 m.1. Christen Lehman 5 Oct. 1759;10
   m.2. Christen Zysset 29 June 1770;10 d. 22 July 181411

Christen MESSERLI was living on 14 Feb. 1751 when his wife as "Anna GRÜNIG,
Christen MÄSSERLI's spouse" was a sponsor for the baptism of Margarita GRÜNIG.6
He was deceased by 30 July 1752 when she was a sponsor as "Anna GRÜNIG,
Christen MÄSSERLI's widow," for a child of Bentz FOLLENWEIDER.6

After the death of her first husband, Anna secondly married as "Anna GRÜNIG,
Christen MESSERLI’s widow from Burgistein" on 14 Jan. 1754 to Benedicht Riem of
"Kilchdorff" [Kirchforf].10  Benedicht Riem died at Burgistein on 29 Aug. 1762,
and was buried on the 30th.7 She died as "Anna GRÜNIG at Burgistein, the widow
of the deceased Bendicht RIEM of Kilchdorf" on 8 April 1769, age 50, and
was buried on the 10th.7

Benedicht RIEM and Anna GRÜNIG were the parents of three children:
1. Susanna RIEM bap. 21 Sep. 1755;8 m. Niclaus KREBS 28 Sep. 1770;10
   d. 24 Aug. 179514
2. Rosina RIEM bap. 29 Jan. 1758;9 m. Christen Krebs 22 Apr. 1774;10
   d. 2 Apr. 180811
3. Maria RIEM10 m. Hans Marti 14 June 1778;10

1. Evangelische-Reformierte Kirche, Wattenwil, Canton Bern, Switzerland, Wattenwil Book 1, 1659-1752, marriage section. p. 306 Christen Mässerli of Burgistein- Anna Grünnig of Thürishaus 2. Julius Billeter "Messerli," Genealogical Notes of Families of Switzerland, p. 23 and p. 18 3. Mühlethurnen [Thurnen] Book 6, 1693-1721 baptismal register. p. 221 Christen Mässerli, 1713, baptized "at Signau." Father: Christen Mässerli Mother: Barbara Saltzman 4. Signau Book 14, 1728-1772 death register. p. 155 Christen Mässerli of Thurnen, resident of Ramsey-schachen, age 50. 5. Signau Book 14, 1728-1772 death register. p. 156 Christen Mässerli otherwise of Thurnen, approximately age 25. 6. Mühlethurnen [Thurnen] Book 7, 1722-1756 baptismal register. p. 182 Anna Mässerli, 1739. Father: Christen Mässerli from Burgistein Mother: Anna Grünig from Thurishaus Sponsors: Christen Grünig in Burgiwil; Christina Grünig in Elbschen; Barbara Fischer of Riggisberg. p. 211 Elsbeth Mässerli, 1741. Father: Christen Mässerli from Burgistein Mother: Anna Grünig from same Sponsors: Christen Grünig of Burgistein [probably brother of the mother]; Elsbeth Kunckler of Ruggisberg; Christina Trachsel of same p. 328, Margarita Grünig, 1751. One sponsor was Anna Grünig, Christen Mässerli's spouse p. 343, Anna Hollenweider, 1752. One sponsor was Anna Grünig, Christen Mässerli's widow 7. Mühlethurnen [Thurnen] Book 24 1757-1787 death register. p. 34 Bendicht Riem from Kirchdorf, died 29 Aug. 1762; bur 30 Aug. age 38. p. 87 Anna Grünig at Burgistein, widow of the deceased Bendicht Riem of Kirchdorf d. 8 Apr. 1769; bur. 10 Apr.; age 50 8. Kirchdorf Book 3 1739-1791 baptismal register. p. 42 Susanna Riem, 1755. Father: Bendicht Riem of Kilchdorf [Kirchdorf] Mohter Anna Grünig Sponsors: Samuel Riem, brother; Anna Messerli [probably her elder half sister]; Maria Mühliman, Nicholas Riem's wife. 9. Mühlethurnen [Thurnen] Book 8, 1757-1783 baptismal register. p. 12 Rosina Riem, 1758. Father: Bendicht Riem of Kirchdorf, at Grossmatt Mother: Anna Grunig Sponsors: Christen Grünig of "Turishaus" [probably brother of the mother]; Elsbet Mässerli of Burgistein [probably her elder half sister]; Elsbet Kunckler the weibel at Mühlethurnen's daughter. 10. Kirchdorf Book 9 1752-1795 marriage register. p. 5 Bendicht Riem of Kilchdorf [Kirchdorf]- Anna Grünig, widow of Christen Messerli of Burgistein p. 17 Christen Lehman in the ?? -Elsbeth Messerli of Burgistein p. 49 Christen Zysset of Kilchdorf [Kirchdorf] with Elsbeth Mässerli, widow of the deceased Christen Lehman of Kilchdof [Kirchdorf] p. 49 Niclaus Krebs of Kilchdorf [Kirchdorf]- Susanna Riem, daughter of Benedict, deceased p. 57 Christen Krebs, son of the deceased old Amman- Rosina Riem, bot of Kirchdorf p. 65 Hans Marti the Weibe's son with Maria-Riem, the deceased Benzen's daughter, Kilchdorf [Kirchdorf] 11. Kirchdorf Book 14 1800-1838 death register. p. 15 Rosina Riem, Christen Kreb's wife; age 50y, 2m, bur. 5th. p. 34 Elisabeth Zysset of Kirchdorf, born Eisabeth Mässerli age 72y, 9m, bur. on 25th. 12. Wattenwil Book 9 1752-1828 marriage register. p. 7 Jacob Zimmerman of Wattenwil- Anna Mässerli of Burgistein, church Thurnen 13. Wattenwil Book 11, 1752-1833 death register. p. 23 Anna Messerli, the Ammans wife, age 36. bur. 31st 14. Kirchdorf Book 13 1752-1799 death register. p. 90 Susanna Krebs, born Riem Niclaus Kreb's of Kirchdorf wife, age 40, bur. 26th.


Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 15 Apr. 2021