In the Name of God Amen. I Richd Gregory of Prec of Pasquotank in the
Province of N. Carolina being in good of body and of sound perfect mind
& memory praise be therefore given to almight god for the Same Doe make &
ordaine this present my Last will Testament in manner & form following.
That is to say
First & prencipally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty god
hopeing thro the merrits death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to
have full & free pardon & forgiveness of all my Sins and to Inherit
Everlasting life and my body I commend to the Earth to be decently Buried
at the Discretion of my Executors here after named and as touching the
disposition of all such Temporall Estate as it hath pleased almighty god
to bestow upon me I give and dispose as Followeth,
First I will that my debts & Funeral Charges shalbe paid & discharged.
Item I give & bequeath unto my Eldest son Richd Gregory my druget Coat
& Serge Vest and Breeches, two Cows & Calves now directly to be delivered
withall their increase & five sows & a boar with all their Increase & two
Iron potts one of 4 galls. the other of 3½ & 3 halfe gall. pewter basons
& 6 pewter dishes & one doz: of pewter plates & one large gre[at?] rugg
& 2 bed blankets English one and one new bed Tick & bolster to him & h[is]
heirs for ever.
Item I give unto my two sons James Gregory & John Grego[ry] a tract or
parcell of land lying at North river and to be devided by the bran[ch]
that runs thro the sd land my Son James makeing his first choce and
one pair of Cutten Milstones for the use of the two James Gregory & John
Gregory & twenty five head of hogs 4 Cows & Calves & two Ews the hogs
Cattle & Sheep to be equally devided between the two James and Jno. & 2
Iron potts fou[r] gallons & 3 [?] each pott, I give to the sd James & Jno.
thirty pounds equally to be devided between them the sd James Gregory &
Jno. Gregory their heirs for ever.
Item I give & bequeath to my loveing wife Margaret Gregory & her three
Children Calep Gregory, & Mary Gregory, & Margaret Gregory all the rest of
my worldly Estate both real & personall hogs & Cattell equally to be devided
between them all, only my Wife makeing her first Choice to them & their heirs
for ever, And Further I do appoint my loveing wife Margt Gregory to be
my whole & Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament. In Witness
where of I have sett my hand & fixed my Seal this 17 day of May 1719.
Signed Sealed & delivd in
the Presence of us Richd Gregory
John Salley Solomon Davis
Eliz: Upston
Letters granted Sepr the 15/1720/
Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 31 January 2004