In the Name of God Amen the fifth Day of November in the year of our Lord
one thousand Six hundred Ninety Seaven I Nicholas Greenberry of Ann Arrundell
County Gentleman, being now Indisppo[sed] in Body; but of Sound & perfect
mind & Judgmt: cons[idering] the Great Incertainty of this present Life
and the Certainty of Death when it shall please almighty God of his great
goodness to Call me Hence do there for make this my last Will and Testament
hereby Revoking adnulling and makeing void to all intents constructions
& purposes whatsoever all & Every former or other will or Wills by me
heretofore made either by speech or Word and this only to be my last Will
& Testamt: which I now make & declare in form following
I give and bequeath to my Deare Loveing wife Ann Greenberry my plantacon
on wch: I doe now dwell During her naturall Life.
I give and bequeath unto my Son Charles Greenberry and to the heires
of his body after my said Wifes Decease all that my Said Dwelling
Plantacon and the Land thereunto belonging but if my Said Son Charles
Greenberry doe happen to dye wth: out issue as afd: that then the Said
plantation and the Land thereunto belo[ging] Shall Come & Descend to my
Three Daughters Catharine Ann and Elizabeth and to their heires forever.
I give and bequeath to my Son Charles Greenberry a[nd] to his Heires
forever all that my Plantation Call[ed] White hall together wth: the Land
thereunto belonging.
I give and bequeath to my said Wife Ann Greenberry two Negroes namely
Judith & Sampson and my Cart horses and their Cart furniture.
I will that the Residue of my personall Estate of what nature Soever
the Same be as well wth: in this provi[nce] as in the Kingdom of England
after my wifes third part thereof is deducted therefrom; be Divided by
Equall protions among my Sone Charles and my three Daughters and their
heires with this proviso
As to my Daughter Ann that in Case my Said Daughters husband John Hammond
be not Seized in Fee Simple of the plantacon on wch: he now Dwells or of
some other plantacon & tract of Land in Ann Arrundell County whereby my
said Daughter in Case she doe Survive the said John Hammond her husband
may be thereof Endowed That then & in Every Such Case my Will is that
that part of portion wch: by this my Will is given to my Said Daughter
Ann shall remaine in the possession of my Exex: & Exer: hereafter named
untill the death of the said John Hammond as a reserve for the support of
my Said Daughter in her Widdowhood if it Should so happen; but if my said
Daughter do happen to dye before her husband John Hammond Then I will that
her Children have this my bequest Equally Divided among them. I doe
appoint my well beloved wife Ann and my Sone Charles Greenberry to be my
Exex: and Exer: of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand & Seale this day & year above written.
Nich. Greenberry
On the back of the said Will was thus Endorsed
The within written will was sealed Signed published And Declared by this
within written to be his last will & Testamt: in the presence of us
Robert Handock
John Rigbie
Francis Brininn.
March the 5th 1697/8 Then Came Robert Handcock John Rigbie and Francis
Brininn the three Witnesses to the within Written Last Will & Testamt:
and tooke their oathes on the Holy Evangelist that they Saw the within
mentioned Nicholas Greenberry Signe Seale publish & Declare the within
Written will to be his Last Will & Testamt: & at the time thereof he was
of sound Disposing minde.
Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 1 Sep. 2001