In the name of god Amen In the yere of our
lord god 1550 and in the (?)th yere of the reigne
or our sovereigne lore Emwarde the vj2th by the
grace of god kynge of England France and 
Ireland defender of the feite and of the church
of England & Ireland supreme hede I Nycho-
las Cleveley of Deerhust Walton beyinge in
perfecte mynd and memory do make my last
will and testamente in forme and maner
folowynge fyrst I comme[n]de my suole to allmy-
ghte god and my body to the grounde to be 
buryed in the churche yard of Deerhurste I geve
and bequeth to Elizabete my daughter a
heyfer wiche ys called gentyll & ij shepe
and the Reste of my goods and c[h]attell un=
bequethed I geve to my wyff and to Jhoan
and Margery my chyldrene whom I make 
my execuotors of this my last will & testament
I make Edward Smyth my overseer
wytnes Edwarde --teforte & Edwarde
Smyth no other---


Page created by:
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 14 Mar. 2012