Febry the 2th [sic] 1697/8 Welcome be the Will of God Amen. I Charles
Allison in good memory this being my last Will and Testament.  I bequeath
my soule to god that gave it and my body to the grave.  
  Item I give my Son Thomas all my lands and two Cows & one Stear three
years old two yearlings Seven barrows one year old and three Sows, one mare,
and yearling Colt one Iron Pott Pewter dish, one Pewter Bason.
  Item I leave and give my Son Thomas to my father in Law Thomas Asten till
he is at the age of Eighteen years and then to be free and for himself but
and if he die undr age I leave my lands to my Sister Eliza. her Two Children
that She had by Edwd Ford to be Equally divided between them.  Item I leave
Thomas Asten my whole and full Exr to possess and admenester and keep all my
lands and moveables till my Son Thomas is Eighteen years old and then to pay
and Deliver unto him all my lands Chattles & Goods Specified in this my last
Will and Testamt as witness my hand Febr the 20th 1698.   				
					his mark
Testes    his mark		  Charles   A   Allison
       Edwd  E  Ams
       John Stewart
On the back of the foregoing will was thus Endorsed 1 day of April 1698
Then Came before me John Stewart the only surviving witnesss to the wthin
Last Will and Testamt of Charles Allison desd and proved the same in
due mannr and forme according to Law.
				Ri Boughton Depty Comry


Page created by: fzsaund@ix.netcom.com
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 3 July 2004