[The] Inventorie of all the goods and Chattells of John
Callingwood of Andsley in the Countie of Stafford 
yeoman deceased taken before Peter Callingwood of
Trusley in the Countie of Derbey yeoman Thomas
Bushnall of Roulston in the Countie of Stafford yeoman
Richard Callingwood of Caldwell in the Countie 
of Derbey yeoman John Poyser? and John Polyston
of Andsley in the said County of Staffordshire taken
the xxiii daie of January Anno Dm. 1621
[items listed]
123 pounds 1s 1p

In gods most holie name Amen. The second daie of Januarie in the yeare of our Lord according to the Computation of the Realm of
England One Thousand six hundreth and one and Twentieth  I John Callingwood of Andsley in the parish of Rollston & Countie
of Stafford yeoman being weake in bodie but of perfect mynd and memorie Praise be Given to god and knowing nothing moor
certain then death and nothing moore uncertain then the houre of the same; Doe make and Ordayne this my present Testamt
Contayning heirin my last will in manner and Forme following; First I Committ and Comend my Soule unto Almightie god
my maker and to Jeasus Christ his onelie sonne my Saviour and Redeemer by whose most precious Death and passion I most
Certainlie beleeve all my sinnes to be washed away and to be for ever a Cittizen of the heavenlie Jearuzalem And my bodie
to the Earth from whens it Came and for my worldlie goods and possessions I doe dispose of them as followeth. First I give
devise and bequeath to Jaen Callingwood my knowe wiffe and her heires for ever One Acre and a half of meadowe or meadowe
ground lying a part in twoe of the meadowes of Andsley aforesaid called the great and Little meadowes; To this end and
purpose that after my decease she shall have power to sell assure and Conveay the same for ever towards the payment
and discharge of my debts pules(?) I  may sees(?) doe happen to sell Conveighe and assure the same by my life. Item I graunt
devise and bequeath unto my said wife an estate for her life of an on all other my Messuages Lands tenemts and hereditaments
in Andsley aforesaid; or eles where within the said parishe of Roulston and Countie of Staff: for the maintenance sustenance
and Releaffe as well of her self as of the Children that are between us; And if it happen my said wife do die and depart
this liffe before my youngest sonne William Callingwood doe accomplishe the age of One and twentie years; Then I 
will and my mynd is that my good friends John Greene and Walter Green my Brothers in Lawe Peter Callingwood my
naturall brother and Richard Callingwood my Brother in Lawe shall have the tuition and govermt of my said Children and
of all of my said Landes and Tenements until my said youngest sonne shall accomplishe the age of One and Twentie years
if he live to that age, or otherwayes should have been of that age if he had lived, And after the decease of said wife
and accomplishmt of the said age of my said youngest sonne, Then I will that the Inheritance revertion or remainder of all my
said Lands and Tenemts be and remayne to my eldest sonne then being and to his heires for ever. Item I give & bequeath to
every one of my eight Children Xiid and to every of my godchildren vid The Residue and remainder of all my goods Cattell and
Chattells my debts being paid my funerall expences performed and these my Legacies Contayned in this my present
testament fulfilled I wholie give and bequeath to the said Jaen my wiffe whome I make sole Executrix of this
my last will and Testamt reposing trust in her that she wille Carefull of her owne estate and the good of our Children, as
to her Christen applaineth. And I utterlie Revoake and admire(?) all and every other parcel Legacie and bequeath by me heirtofore
made willed or bequeathed; And doe Onelie ratifie and confirme this my present will and Testamt made the day and
yeare above written. And do request my Loving friends Mr. George Alsoppe and my said Brother Peter Callingwood to
be assisting to my said wiffe in the execution thereof.
Witnesses at the makeing thereof
Joan(?) Debaucke(?)
--------(?)    Callingwood  his mke
Tho:   Ha----

[The probate is in Latin. There is mention of the children as Sara, John, Jane,
Anne, Elizabeth, Thomas, Walter, and William. The probate also mentions Jane
Callingwood of Ansley in Stafford and Walter Greene of Burton upon Trent.]


Page created by: fzsaund@ix.netcom.com
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 16 May 2019