I John Callingwood
Citizen & Armorer of London being of
this present of a Sound & Perfect minde & memory
(thankes be given to God for the Same) doe hereby
revoake all former Wills & Testaments by me at any
Time heretofore made and for the Disposall of my
Worldly goods & estate Doe make this my Last
Will & Testament as Followeth Imprimus I give
to my Nephew Nicholas Gahsaway one third part of
all the debts or goods he shall have in his hands
or managem[en]t and then [blank] when he [blank] First yeare
of my Death provided and upon condition that he
my Sd. Nephew Nicholas Gahsaway doe and shall make
a full returne unto my Executor hereafter named
of the full & whole value of the other two third parts hereof
within two years next after my decease Shall be made
knowne unto him; That is to Say of one full third part of the
whole Debts or goods within the first yeare next after
Such [blank] of my decease And the other full
third part thereof within the Second yeare next
after Such [blank] of my decease, and that
att the end of the Sd two years my Sd Nephew
[next page]
Gahsaway doe & shall take and accept of the
Debts that Shall be then unpaid at the value & Summes
they were Contracted on made for & towards the Sd
third part here by bequeathed and given unto him
my Sd Nephew aforesaid I Doe alsoe give unto my wife
Sarah Callingwood the Summe of ten pounds of lawfull
money of England to buy her mourning. Item I give
to Sarah Leafe the Summe of two Shillings and to Sarah
Leafes sister Callingwood dwelling in Staffordsheire
the Summe of two Shillings and to my Neece
Elizabeth Beaver the Summe of two Shillings. Item I
Give unto my Sister Readings granddaughter Jane
Ward the Summe of ten Shillings and to my Cozen Callingwood
Ward the Summe of twenty Shillings. Item I give unto
Samuell Wray the Summe of five Shillings. Item I give
unto Isabell Izard the Summe of ten Shillings & to her husband
Tho: Izard the Summe of five Shillings. Item I give unto
Serv[an]t[s] as Shall be living with me att the time of my decease
the Summe of twenty Shillings. Item I give unto John
Singleton Gent. my Executor hereafter named
my Bookes in Quarto written by Mr. Boulton
& my Bookes called Ogglebie A friscan & my Bookes
Written by Mr. Carrell upon Jobe as alsoe my Best
Stick with a cruch head of Silver. Item I give unto
Susanna Wheatley the Summe of twenty Shillings and to her
husband John Wheatley the Summe of ten Shillings. Item I
give unto Mary Such the Summe of ten Shillings. Item I
give unto Jane Beaver liveing with me the Summe
of Twenty Shillings and lastly of this my Will & Testament
I Doe hereby make & ordaine my very good Freind
John Singleton Gent. to be my full & Sole Executor
revoking all former wills by me at any time formerly
made. In Witness whereof I the Sd John
Callingwood the Testator have to this my last Will
and Testament conteyned and written in theise
two Sheetes of paper Sett my hand and Seale
to each Sheete affixed my Seale to the whole this
[next page]
Seaventh Day of December 1685 and in the
First yeare of his Maj[es]t[ie]s Reigne Jacobi Secundi
John Callingwood Signed Sealed published and
declared by the said Jno Callingwood the Testator
to be his last Will and Testament in the presents of
Jno Singleton Jur. John Pabsood Edward Bonsan
[In Latin]
Proved 23 February 1685 [1685/6]
Page created by: fzsaund@ix.netcom.com
Fredric Z. Saunders
1234 Waterside Cove #21
Midvale, UT 84047-4293
Last revised: 26 Nov. 2017